LCL from B-Lymphocyte
NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository
Subcollection |
CEPH Repository Linkage Families Pharmacogenetics PIGI Consented Sample |
Biopsy Source
Peripheral vein
Cell Type
Tissue Type
Epstein-Barr Virus
Sample Source
LCL from B-Lymphocyte
Country of Origin
Family Member
Relation to Proband
maternal grandfather
Clinical summary/Case history
Homo sapiens
Common Name
Species of Origin Confirmed by Nucleoside Phosphorylase, Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, and Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme Electrophoresis |
Remarks |
Maternal Grandfather; Same as 1458-10; donor subject has a single bp (G-to-A) transition at nucleotide 681 in exon 5 of the CYP2C19 gene (CYP2C19*2) which creates an aberrant splice site. The change altered the reading frame of the mRNA starting with amino acid 215 and produced a premature stop codon 20 amino acids downstream, resulting in a truncated, nonfunctional protein. Because of the aberrant splice site, a 40-bp deletion occurred at the beginning of exon 5 (from bp 643 to bp 682), resulting in deletion of amino acids 215 to 227. The truncated protein had 234 amino acids and would be catalytically inactive because it lacked the heme-binding region. |
Ford LC, Jang S, Chen Z, Zhou YH, Gallins PJ, Wright FA, Chiu WA, Rusyn I., A Population-Based Human In Vitro Approach to Quantify Inter-Individual Variability in Responses to Chemical Mixtures Toxics10: 2022 |
PubMed ID: 36006120 |
Boysen G, Arora R, Degner A, Vevang KR, Chao C, Rodriguez F, Walmsley SJ, Erber L, Tretyakova NY, Peterson LA, Effects of Chemical research in toxicology34:119-131 2021 |
PubMed ID: 33381973 |
Degner A, Arora R, Erber L, Chao C, Peterson LA, Tretyakova NY, Interindividual Differences in DNA Adduct Formation and Detoxification of 1,3-Butadiene-Derived Epoxide in Human HapMap Cell Lines Chemical research in toxicology33:1698-1708 2020 |
PubMed ID: 32237725 |
Dong Z, Chau MHK, Zhang Y, Yang Z, Shi M, Wah YM, Kwok YK, Leung TY, Morton CC, Choy KW, Low-pass genome sequencing-based detection of absence of heterozygosity: validation in clinical cytogenetics Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics23:1225-1233 2020 |
PubMed ID: 33772221 |
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PubMed ID: 33632895 |
Fløyel T, Meyerovich K, Prause MC, Kaur S, Frørup C, Mortensen HB, Nielsen LB, Pociot F, Cardozo AK, Størling J, SKAP2, a Candidate Gene for Type 1 Diabetes, Regulates ß-Cell Apoptosis and Glycaemic Control in Newly Diagnosed Patients Diabetes372:1225-1233 2020 |
PubMed ID: 33203694 |
Holt CL, Stephens KM, Walichiewicz P, Fleming KD, Forouzmand E, Wu SF, Human Mitochondrial Control Region and mtGenome: Design and Forensic Validation of NGS Multiplexes, Sequencing and Analytical Software Genes12:1225-1233 2020 |
PubMed ID: 33921728 |
Uppugunduri CRS, Huezo-Diaz Curtis P, Nava T, Rezgui MA, Mlakar V, Mlakar SJ, Waespe N, Théoret Y, Gumy-Pause F, Bernard F, Chalandon Y, Boelens JJ, Bredius RGM, Dalle JH, Nath C, Corbacioglu S, Peters C, Bader P, Shaw P, Bittencourt H, Krajinovic M, Ansari M, Association study of candidate DNA-repair gene variants and acute graft versus host disease in pediatric patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation The pharmacogenomics journal22:9-18 2020 |
PubMed ID: 34711928 |
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PubMed ID: 31063794 |
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PubMed ID: 31530810 |
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PubMed ID: 29116076 |
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PubMed ID: 24216508 |
ENCODE Project Consortium , Dunham I, Kundaje A, Aldred SF, Collins PJ, Davis CA, Doyle F, Epstein CB, Frietze S, Harrow J, Kaul R, Khatun J, Lajoie BR, Landt SG, Lee BK, Pauli F, Rosenbloom KR, Sabo P, Safi A, Sanyal A, Shoresh N, Simon JM, Song L, Trinklein ND, Altshuler RC, Birney E, Brown JB, Cheng C, Djebali S, Dong X, Dunham I, Ernst J, Furey TS, Gerstein M, Giardine B, Greven M, Hardison RC, Harris RS, Herrero J, Hoffman MM, Iyer S, Kelllis M, Khatun J, Kheradpour P, Kundaje A, Lassman T, Li Q, Lin X, Marinov GK, Merkel A, Mortazavi A, Parker SC, Reddy TE, Rozowsky J, Schlesinger F, Thurman RE, Wang J, Ward LD, Whitfield TW, Wilder SP, Wu W, Xi HS, Yip KY, Zhuang J, Bernstein BE, Birney E, Dunham I, Green ED, Gunter C, Snyder M, Pazin MJ, Lowdon RF, Dillon LA, Adams LB, Kelly CJ, Zhang J, Wexler JR, Green ED, Good PJ, Feingold EA, Bernstein BE, Birney E, Crawford GE, Dekker J, Elinitski L, Farnham PJ, Gerstein M, Giddings MC, Gingeras TR, Green ED, Guigó R, Hardison RC, Hubbard TJ, Kellis M, Kent WJ, Lieb JD, Margulies EH, Myers RM, Snyder M, Starnatoyannopoulos JA, Tennebaum SA, Weng Z, White KP, Wold B, Khatun J, Yu Y, Wrobel J, Risk BA, Gunawardena HP, Kuiper HC, Maier CW, Xie L, Chen X, Giddings MC, Bernstein BE, Epstein CB, Shoresh N, Ernst J, Kheradpour P, Mikkelsen TS, Gillespie S, Goren A, Ram O, Zhang X, Wang L, Issner R, Coyne MJ, Durham T, Ku M, Truong T, Ward LD, Altshuler RC, Eaton ML, Kellis M, Djebali S, Davis CA, Merkel A, Dobin A, Lassmann T, Mortazavi A, Tanzer A, Lagarde J, Lin W, Schlesinger F, Xue C, Marinov GK, Khatun J, Williams BA, Zaleski C, Rozowsky J, Röder M, Kokocinski F, Abdelhamid RF, Alioto T, Antoshechkin I, Baer MT, Batut P, Bell I, Bell K, Chakrabortty S, Chen X, Chrast J, Curado J, Derrien T, Drenkow J, Dumais E, Dumais J, Duttagupta R, Fastuca M, Fejes-Toth K, Ferreira P, Foissac S, Fullwood MJ, Gao H, Gonzalez D, Gordon A, Gunawardena HP, Howald C, Jha S, Johnson R, Kapranov P, King B, Kingswood C, Li G, Luo OJ, Park E, Preall JB, Presaud K, Ribeca P, Risk BA, Robyr D, Ruan X, Sammeth M, Sandu KS, Schaeffer L, See LH, Shahab A, Skancke J, Suzuki AM, Takahashi H, Tilgner H, Trout D, Walters N, Wang H, Wrobel J, Yu Y, Hayashizaki Y, Harrow J, Gerstein M, Hubbard TJ, Reymond A, Antonarakis SE, Hannon GJ, Giddings MC, Ruan Y, Wold B, Carninci P, Guigó R, Gingeras TR, Rosenbloom KR, Sloan CA, Learned K, Malladi VS, Wong MC, Barber GP, Cline MS, Dreszer TR, Heitner SG, Karolchik D, Kent WJ, Kirkup VM, Meyer LR, Long JC, Maddren M, Raney BJ, Furey TS, Song L, Grasfeder LL, Giresi PG, Lee BK, Battenhouse A, Sheffield NC, Simon JM, Showers KA, Safi A, London D, Bhinge AA, Shestak C, Schaner MR, Kim SK, Zhang ZZ, Mieczkowski PA, Mieczkowska JO, Liu Z, McDaniell RM, Ni Y, Rashid NU, Kim MJ, Adar S, Zhang Z, Wang T, Winter D, Keefe D, Birney E, Iyer VR, Lieb JD, Crawford GE, Li G, Sandhu KS, Zheng M, Wang P, Luo OJ, Shahab A, Fullwood MJ, Ruan X, Ruan Y, Myers RM, Pauli F, Williams BA, Gertz J, Marinov GK, Reddy TE, Vielmetter J, Partridge EC, Trout D, Varley KE, Gasper C, Bansal A, Pepke S, Jain P, Amrhein H, Bowling KM, Anaya M, Cross MK, King B, Muratet MA, Antoshechkin I, Newberry KM, McCue K, Nesmith AS, Fisher-Aylor KI, Pusey B, DeSalvo G, Parker SL, Balasubramanian S, Davis NS, Meadows SK, Eggleston T, Gunter C, Newberry JS, Levy SE, Absher DM, Mortazavi A, Wong WH, Wold B, Blow MJ, Visel A, Pennachio LA, Elnitski L, Margulies EH, Parker SC, Petrykowska HM, Abyzov A, Aken B, Barrell D, Barson G, Berry A, Bignell A, Boychenko V, Bussotti G, Chrast J, Davidson C, Derrien T, Despacio-Reyes G, Diekhans M, Ezkurdia I, Frankish A, Gilbert J, Gonzalez JM, Griffiths E, Harte R, Hendrix DA, Howald C, Hunt T, Jungreis I, Kay M, Khurana E, Kokocinski F, Leng J, Lin MF, Loveland J, Lu Z, Manthravadi D, Mariotti M, Mudge J, Mukherjee G, Notredame C, Pei B, Rodriguez JM, Saunders G, Sboner A, Searle S, Sisu C, Snow C, Steward C, Tanzer A, Tapanan E, Tress ML, van Baren MJ, Walters N, Washieti S, Wilming L, Zadissa A, Zhengdong Z, Brent M, Haussler D, Kellis M, Valencia A, Gerstein M, Raymond A, Guigó R, Harrow J, Hubbard TJ, Landt SG, Frietze S, Abyzov A, Addleman N, Alexander RP, Auerbach RK, Balasubramanian S, Bettinger K, Bhardwaj N, Boyle AP, Cao AR, Cayting P, Charos A, Cheng Y, Cheng C, Eastman C, Euskirchen G, Fleming JD, Grubert F, Habegger L, Hariharan M, Harmanci A, Iyenger S, Jin VX, Karczewski KJ, Kasowski M, Lacroute P, Lam H, Larnarre-Vincent N, Leng J, Lian J, Lindahl-Allen M, Min R, Miotto B, Monahan H, Moqtaderi Z, Mu XJ, O'Geen H, Ouyang Z, Patacsil D, Pei B, Raha D, Ramirez L, Reed B, Rozowsky J, Sboner A, Shi M, Sisu C, Slifer T, Witt H, Wu L, Xu X, Yan KK, Yang X, Yip KY, Zhang Z, Struhl K, Weissman SM, Gerstein M, Farnham PJ, Snyder M, Tenebaum SA, Penalva LO, Doyle F, Karmakar S, Landt SG, Bhanvadia RR, Choudhury A, Domanus M, Ma L, Moran J, Patacsil D, Slifer T, Victorsen A, Yang X, Snyder M, White KP, Auer T, Centarin L, Eichenlaub M, Gruhl F, Heerman S, Hoeckendorf B, Inoue D, Kellner T, Kirchmaier S, Mueller C, Reinhardt R, Schertel L, Schneider S, Sinn R, Wittbrodt B, Wittbrodt J, Weng Z, Whitfield TW, Wang J, Collins PJ, Aldred SF, Trinklein ND, Partridge EC, Myers RM, Dekker J, Jain G, Lajoie BR, Sanyal A, Balasundaram G, Bates DL, Byron R, Canfield TK, Diegel MJ, Dunn D, Ebersol AK, Ebersol AK, Frum T, Garg K, Gist E, Hansen RS, Boatman L, Haugen E, Humbert R, Jain G, Johnson AK, Johnson EM, Kutyavin TM, Lajoie BR, Lee K, Lotakis D, Maurano MT, Neph SJ, Neri FV, Nguyen ED, Qu H, Reynolds AP, Roach V, Rynes E, Sabo P, Sanchez ME, Sandstrom RS, Sanyal A, Shafer AO, Stergachis AB, Thomas S, Thurman RE, Vernot B, Vierstra J, Vong S, Wang H, Weaver MA, Yan Y, Zhang M, Akey JA, Bender M, Dorschner MO, Groudine M, MacCoss MJ, Navas P, Stamatoyannopoulos G, Kaul R, Dekker J, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Dunham I, Beal K, Brazma A, Flicek P, Herrero J, Johnson N, Keefe D, Lukk M, Luscombe NM, Sobral D, Vaquerizas JM, Wilder SP, Batzoglou S, 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PubMed ID: 22955616 |
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PubMed ID: 15782172 |
Split Ratio |
1:3 |
Temperature |
37 C |
Percent CO2 |
5% |
Percent O2 |
Medium |
Roswell Park Memorial Institute Medium 1640 with 2mM L-glutamine or equivalent |
Serum |
15% fetal bovine serum Not Inactivated |
Substrate |
None specified |
Subcultivation Method |
dilution - add fresh medium |
Supplement |
- |